Timor-Leste zip codes / Postal Codes

Timor-Leste HAS NO ZIP CODES OR POSTAL CODES. It is used in some  Countries like Canada, South Africa, USA etc. but not in Timor-Leste . That shouldn’t stop you from using a postal code,  Most people have resorted to using 00000 or 12345. These are numbers they generated by themselves.  I know that some of you will be asking what to use when filling a form online or when shopping online. you just have to use any code you like but i will suggest using 00000  Mind you 00000 is not the real postal code but since you really need to input your zip or postal code in a form you just have to use anything.

What is a Zip Code or Postal code

According to the dictionary, a zip code which is an acronym for Zone Improvement Plan means a system used in the U.S. to facilitate the delivery of mail, consisting of a five- or nine-digit code printed directly after the address, the first five digits (initial code) indicating the state and post office or postal zone, the last four (expanded code) the box section or number, portion of a rural route, building, or other specific delivery location. while postal code means a mailing code system used in Canada similar to the zip code in the U.S. and the postcode in Britain. This is just the dictionary term because as of now many country uses zip codes and postal code. To learn more about  zip code click here zip code

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