District: Kabo
Balan 704103
Baskore 704103
Binashi 704103
Dan Maliki 704103
Dugabau 704103
Durun 704103
Gabasawa 704103
Gadiya 704103
Garo 704103
Gommo 704103
Goza 704103
Gude 704103
Hauwade 704103
Kabo 704103
Kanwa Zango 704103
Kanya 704103
Karangiyare 704103
Katsinawa 704103
Kazo 704103
Malam Gajere 704103
Massanawa 704103
Nasarawa 704103
Sani 704103
Shabawa 704103
Ungwan Wusama 704103
Walawa 704103
Wari 704103
Yadau 704103
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