postal code can also be referred to as postcode or zip code see the postal code for City of Tshwane below
Places Postal code
Akasia 0182
Alaska 0122
Alkantrant 0005, 0081
Alphen Park 0081
Amandasig 0118, 0182
Amberfield Glen 0149
Amberfield Ridge 0046, 0157
Amberville 0157
Andeon 0183
Annlin 0066, 0129, 0182
Arcadia 0007, 0083
Ashlea Gardens 0081
Asiatic Bazaar 0183
Atteridgeville 0006, 0008
Atteridgeville East 0089
Atteridgeville West 0008
Babelegi 0407
Baileys Muckleneuk 0181
Bamokgoko 0432
Batho Plaza 0107
Baviaanspoort 0039, 0186
Beirut 0190
Belle Ombre 0142
Berea Park 0002
Bester 1020
Bloed Street Mall 0080
Blue Valley Golf And Residential Estate 0096, 0187
Blue Valley Golf Estate 0096, 0187
Boardwalk 0081
Boardwalk Manor 0043, 0081
Boardwalk Villas 0043, 0081
Bolla-Ntlokwe 0445
Bon Accord 0009
Bonamanzi 1021
Boordfontein 0182, 0201
Boordfontein East 0201
Boordfontein West 0201
Booysens 0082
Bosplaas 0409
Bronberg 0043, 0081
Bronberrick 0157
Bronberrik 0157
Bronkhorstspruit 1020
Brooklyn 0011, 0181
Brooklyn Square 0075, 0181
Brummeria 0184
Bryntirion 0083
Bultfontein 0120
Candlewood 0119
Cape Reserve 0183
Capitalpark 0084
Capital Park 0084
Celtisdal 0149, 0157
Central 0002
Centurion 0046, 0157
Centurion Country Club 0046, 0157
Chantelle 0182, 0201
Christoburg 0183
Cipro 0086
Claremont 0082
Clarina 0118, 0182
Claudius 0037
Clubview 0014, 0157
Clubview East 0157
Clubview West 0157
Clydesdale 0002
Colbyn 0083
Concern 0008
Constantia Park 0010, 0100, 0181
Cor Delfos 0016
Cornwall Hill 0157, 0178
Cranbrookvale 0157
Cullinan 1000
Cythiavale 0186
Danville 0018, 0183
Daspoort 0019, 0082
De Beers 0181
Deerness 0084
Defence Force Area 0002
Denneboom Taxi Rank 0124
Derdepoort Park 0035, 0186
De Wagensdrift 1002
Die Hoewes 0046, 0157, 0163
Dikwebu 0442
Dilopye 0424
Dipetleloane 0447
Doornpark 0017
Doornpoort 0017, 0182, 0186
Dorandia 0182, 0188
Doringkloof 0157
East Lynne 0035, 0186
Eastwood 0083
Eco Boulevard 0144
Eco Park Estate 0140, 0157
Eersterus 0021, 0022, 0401, 0407
E-Freedom Save 0079
Ekandustria 1028
Ekangala 1021
Ekklesia 0186
Elandspoort 0032, 0183
Elarduspark 0047, 0181
Eldoglen 0157, 0171
Eldo Manor 0157
Eldopark 0157, 0166
Eldoraigne 0157, 0171
Eldorette 0182
Eldo View 0149, 0157
Eloffsdal 0084
Equestria 0081, 0184
Equestria Estates 0184
Erasmia 0023, 0183
Erasmus 1020
Erasmuskloof 0048, 0181
Erasmusrand 0165, 0181
Erasmus Village 0200
Faerie Glen 0043, 0081
Fafung 0191
Fairview 0043
Field Post Office 0106
Flaka 0198
Flexi Freedom Silver 0080
Florauna 0182
Fouriesrus 0024
Ga-Habedi 0410
Ga-Lekalakala 0448
Ga-Mocheko 0438
Ga-Rankuwa 0208, 0209, 0221
Ga-Rankuwa North 0208, 0209
Garsfontein 0042, 0081
Garsfontein East 0060, 0081
Garsfontein West 0042, 0081
Ga-Shebambo 0214
Ga-Tsebe 0213
Gemvallei 0122
Gem Valley 0122
Generaal Kemp Heuwel 0187
Georgeville 0184
Gerhardsville 0157
Gezina 0031, 0084
Glen Lauriston 0185
Glenstantia 0010, 0181
Glenwood 0081
Goedehoop 0002
Groenkloof 0027, 0181
Grootvlei 0120
Haakdoornboom 0200
Hammanskraal 0400, 0407
Hani View 0443
Hartbeeshoek 0182
Hatfield 0028, 0083
Hazelwood 0081
Heatherdale 0182
Hebron 0193
Hebron East 0200
Hennopsmeer 0157
Hennopspark 0157
Hercules 0030, 0082
Heritage Hill Estate 0157, 0169
Hermanstad 0082
Hestiapark 0182, 0201
Heuweloord 0157, 0173
Heuwelsig 0157
Heuwelsig Estate 0131, 0157
Highveld 0157, 0169
Highveld Park 0157, 0169
Highveld Techno Park 0169
Hillcrest 0083
Ikageng 0122
Industrial Area 0183
Innovation Hub 0087
Irene 0062, 0157
Irene Farm Village 0133
Irene Glen 1667
Itsoseng 0164, 0190
Itumeleng 0164, 0190
Jan Niemandpark 0186
Kalafong Heights 0008
Kameeldrif East 0035
Kameeldrif West 0068
Kanana 0400, 0407
Karenpark 0118, 0182
Kasteelsig 0153
Kelebogile 0206, 0208
Kgabalatsane 0208
Kgabaltsane 0208
Kgomo Kgomo 0444
Khutsong 0122
Kilner Park 0186
Kirkney 0182
Klerksoord 0200
Klipgat 0190, 0204
Kloofsig 0157
Knoppieslaagte 0035
Koedoespoort 0186
Koedoespoort Industrial Area 0186
Kolonade 0159, 0182
Kommissiedrif 0389
Kontant 0498
Kosmosdal 0046, 0149, 0157, 0187
Kromkuil 0215
Kruisfontein 0200
Kudube 0400
Kwa-Dima 1025
Kwaggasrand 0070, 0183
La Concorde 0184
Laezonia 0026
La Montagne 0184
Laudium 0037
Lebalangwe 0407
Lebanon 0141, 0190
Lebotloane 0411
Leeuwfontein 0186
Les Marais 0084
Lindopark 0186
Lindo Park 0039
Lindo Park 0186
Lindo Park East 0186
Lotus Gardens 0008, 0025
Lowlardia 0046, 0157
Lukasrand 0181
Lusaka 0122
Lydiana 0184
Lynn East 0039, 0186
Lynnrodene 0081
Lynnwood 0040, 0081
Lynnwood Glen 0081
Lynnwood Manor 0081
Lynnwood Park 0081
Lynnwood Ridge 0040, 0081
Lyttelton 0140, 0157
Lyttelton Khw 0163
Lyttelton Manor 0140, 0157
Lyttelton South 0157, 0176
Maboloka 0197
Mabopane 0190, 0191, 0196, 0198
Madidi 0192
Magalieskruin 0150, 0182
Mahube 0090, 0122
Mahube Valley 0116, 0122
Majaneng 0402
Makaota 9333
Makububele 0501
Mamelodi 0101, 0112, 0122
Mamelodi East 0112, 0122, 0177
Mamelodi Gardens 0122
Mamelodi West 0101, 0122
Mametlhake 0432
Mandela Village 0112, 0407
Mandor 0170
Marabastad 0002
Maroelana 0081, 0161
Marokolong 0400, 0434
Masada 1020
Matamela 0008
Mathibestad 0418
Matshelapata 0193
Maubane 0412
Mayville 0084
Medunsa 0204
Menlo Park 0081
Menlyn 0181
Menlyn Central 0077, 0181
Meyerspark 0103, 0184
Midfield 1692
Midfield Estate 1692
Midstream 1692
Midstream Estate 1692
Mmakau 0194, 0208
Mmakaunyane 0207
Mmatlhwaela 0503
Mmotla 0407
Mnandi 0149, 0157
Mofokeng 0008
Moiletswane 0190
Monavoni 0149, 0157
Montana 0151, 0159, 0182, 0186
Montana Gardens 0159, 0182
Montana Park 0159, 0182
Monumentpark 0105, 0181
Mooikloof 0059, 0081
Mooikloof Ridge 0059, 0081
Moot 0084
Moregloed 0186
Moreletapark 0181
Moreleta Park 0044
Moreleta Park 0181
Moreleta Plaza 0167, 0181
Moreleta Ridge 0044, 0181
Moreleta Village 0097
Morula 0190, 0196
Morula View 0190, 0196
Mountain View 0030, 0082
Mphe-Batho 0412
Msiza 0212
Muckleneuk 0002
Murrayfield 0184
Murray Heuwel 0120
Murray Hill 0120
Navorsdorp 0184
Nellmapius 0112, 0122, 0177
New Eersterus 0429
Newlands 0049, 0181
Nicomar 0082
Nieuw Muckleneuk 0181
Ninapark 0155, 0156, 0182, 0186
Nkwe Estate 0182
Odinburg 0190, 0205
Olievenhoutbosch 0175, 0187
Olympus 0081
Onderstepoort 0110
Oskraal 0204
Pankop 0414, 0432
Paramount Estate 0081
Parktown 0084
Parktown Estates 0084
Persequor Park 0020
Phash-Maloka 0211
Philip Nel Park 0029, 0183
Phomolong 0008
Pierneefrant 0084
Pierre Van Ryneveld 0157
Pierre Van Ryneveldpark 0157
Post Office Stamp of Fortune Competition 0073
Post Point Menlyn 0181
Pretoria 0002
Pretoria City Council 0004
Pretoria Gardens 0082
Pretoria North 0116, 0182
Pretoria Show 0071
Pretoria South 0078
Pretoria West 0117, 0183
Pretoriuspark 0042
Pretorius Park 0081
Prince’s Park 0002
Prison Area 0002
Proclamation Hill 0183
Pyramid 0120
Quagga 0058
Queenswood 0121, 0186
Radcliffe 0145
Radio Uitkyk 0187
Railway Reserve 0002
Ramotse 0407
Raslouw 0109, 0157
Rayton 1001
Receiver of Revenue 0053
Refentse 0407, 0426
Refentse West 0426
Refilwe 1003
Retabiseng 1020
Retang 1004
Rethabile 0112, 0122
Rethabiseng 1026
Riamarpark 1020
Rietfontein 0084
Rietfontein South 0179
Rietgat Depot 0152
Rietondale 0084
Rietvallei Park 0157
Rietvalleirand 0174, 0181
Rietvlei Country Estate 0181
Riverdale 0002
Riverside 0186
Riviera 0084
Rockville 0407
Roodeplaat 0030, 0039
Rooihuiskraal 0154, 0157
Rooihuiskraal North 0154, 0157, 0158
Rooiwal 0120
Roseville 0084
Rosslyn 0182, 0200
Rua Vista 0157
Salieshoek 0184
Salvokop 0002
Samrand 0157, 0158
Saulsville 0006, 0008, 0125
Saulsville Village 0125
Savannah Park 0014, 0157
Savanna Park 0014, 0157
Seabe 0417
Sekampaneng 0425
Shakung 0219
Shere 0084
Silver Lakes 0054, 0081
Silver Lakes Golf Estate 0054
Silverton 0127, 0184
Silvertondale 0184
Silverton East Ridge 0127, 0184
Silverton Ridge 0184
Silverwoods Country Estate 0081
Simarlo 0014
Simfonie 0128
Sinoville 0129, 0182
Sjambokzynoudekraal 0218
Skanskop 0002
Soshanguve 0152, 0164
Soshanguve Central 0131
Soshanguve East 0152, 0164
Soshanguve North 0152, 0164
Soshanguve South 0152, 0164
Soshanguve West 0152, 0168
Southdowns 0123
Southdowns Estate 0123
Stanza Village 0122
Sterrewag 0181
Stinkwater 0407
Suiderberg 0055, 0082
Sunderland Ridge 0157
Sunderland Ridge Industrial 0157
Sunnyside 0002, 0132
Sun Valley 0122, 0190
Suurman 0407, 0428
Swartbooistad 0418
Swartkop 0157
Swavelpoort 0081
Tamara Park 0157
Tekbase 0157
Telkom Place 0012
Temba 0407
Thaba Tshwane 0187
Thatchfield 0157
The Orchards 0116, 0182, 0200, 0201
The Reeds 0061, 0157, 0158
Theresapark 0155, 0182
The Willows 0041, 0081
Thorntree 0108
Tileba 0182
Totiusdal 0134, 0186
Transactie 0508
Trevenna 0002
Trust Farm 0400
Tshwane 0002
Tshwane North 0116, 0182
Tshwane South 0078
Tubase 0157
Umkomaas Valley 3742
Unisa 0003
Unisarand 0148
Val De Grace 0184
Valhalla 0137, 0185
Valtaki 1027
Vasfontein 0120
Venning Park 0139
Villa Rosa 0157
Villieria 0186
Vista View 0122
Voortrekkerhoogte 0187
Vooruitstrewend 1005
Waltloo 0184
Wapadrand 0050, 0081
Waterkloof 0145, 0181
Waterkloof Air Force Base 0157
Waterkloof Glen 0010, 0181
Waterkloof Heights 0065
Waterkloof Heights 0181
Waterkloof Park 0181
Waterkloof Ridge 0181
Waterkloof Valley 0145, 0181
Waverley 0135, 0186
Weavind Park 0184
West Park 0183
West Ridge 0183
Westview 0183
Wierda Glen 0157
Wierda Glen Estates 0157
Wierdapark 0149, 0157
Wierdapark South 0057
Wierdapark South 0157
Willow Acres 0081, 0095
Willow Acres Estate 0081, 0095
Willow Glen 0041, 0081
Willow Park 0184
Willow Park Manor 0184
Willow Way 0041, 0180
Wingate Park 0153, 0181
Winterveld 0198
Winterveldt 0198
Wolmer 0182
Wonderboom 0182
Wonderboom Junction 0138
Wonderboom Poort 0033
Wonderboom South 0084
Woodhill 0076, 0081
Woodlands 0072, 0181
Ya-Rona 0202
Zimbali 4439
Zimbali Lodge 4422
Zithobeni 1024
Zwartkop 0051
Zwartkop 0046, 0157
Zwartkops 0051
Zwartkops 0157
Zwaveldspoort 0002
Zwavelpoort 0081
Morning can I have job
It seems like my zip code cant be verified.
And i know it’s the right zip code i enter