Buffalo postal codes in South Africa

Buffalo costal codes can also be refered to as buffalo postcode or buffalo zip code, they all mean the same thing. For the complete list of all Buffalo postal codes see the list below

Abbotsford 5210,
Alphendale 5209
Amalinda 5247, 5252
Amatola View 5605
Amatole Basin 5605
Arcadia 5201
Arnoldton 5247
Ballassi Valley 5601
Baysville 5241
Beach 5201
Beacon Bay 5205, 5241
Belgravia 5201
Bell 5605
Berea 5241
Berlin 5660
Berlin South 5660
Bhisho 5605
Bhisho Town 5605
Blue Bend 5241
Bonnie Doone 5241
Bonza Bay 5241
Braelyn 5201, 5209
Braelyn Heights 5209
Breidbach 5601
Brookmead 5247
Brookville 5201
Buffalo 5201
Buffalo Flats 5209, 5223
Buffalo Pass Heights 5247
Buffalo Township 5201
Bunkers Hill 5241
Cambridge 5206, 5247
Cambridge West 5207, 5247
Central 5201
Charles Lloyd Township 5209
Chiselhurst 5247
Clifton Park 5247
Club View 5601
Collondale 5201
Constantia 5247
Cove Rock 5201
Cove Rock Country Estate 5201
Daleview 5601
Dawn 5247
Dorchester Heights 5241
Duncan Village 5209
East London 5201
Edonqaba 5601
Elliot 5460
Eqebe 5460
Esplanade 5201
Fort Grey 5201
Fort Jackson 5605
Fort Murray 5602
Gately 5201
Gately Township 5201
Geju 5605
Ginsburg 5601
Glendevon 5201

Golf Course 5241
Gompo Town 5209
Gonubie 5256, 5257
Greenfields 5201, 5208
Haven Hills 5247
Headlands 5601
Highgate 5247
Highway Gardens 5247
Hildasia 5284
Hillview 5460
Homeleigh 5212
Igoda 5222
Ilitha 5606
Kaffrarian Heights 5601
Kaysers Beach 5201
Kidd’s Beach 5264
King William’s Town 5600, 5601
Kwa Gubevu 5607
Kwaloyiti 5209
Kwa-Pita 5605
Kwelera 5259
Lennox Estate 5201
Loerie Heights 5257
Macleantown 5280
Madlambo 5201
Market Square 5601
Masibambane 5460
Mbolompeni 5664
Mdakeni 5201
Mdantsane 5219
Mdantsane City 5225
Milner Estate 5201
Minerva Park 5247
Mncotsho 5661
Mooiplaas 5201, 5288
Morgans Bay 5290, 5292
Morningside 5247
Mzamomhle 5258
Nahoon 5210, 5241
Nahoon Dam 5201
Nahoonmond 5210, 5241
Nahoon Mouth 5210, 5241
Nahoon Valley 5241
Nahoon Valley Park 5241
Needs Camp 5201
Newlands 5201, 5219
New Location 5460
Ngwenyathi 5221
Nieu-Bethesda 6286
Noordeinde 5201
North Bank 5201
North End 5201
Nuweland 5201, 5219
Nyandana 5204
Ocean View 5247
Old Black Township 5460
Oos-Londen 5201
Orange Grove 5201
Panmure 5201
Parkridge 5209
Parkside 5209
Peelton 5605
Pefferville 5209, 5220
Phakamisa 5620
Phola Park 5460
Pirie 5605
Prudhoe 5605
Quigney 5201, 5211
Rabula 5605
Ramnyiba 5611
Reeston 5247
Regent Park 5247
Rhodes Park 5247
Riegerton Park 5257
Roadside 5601
Rosedale Park 5247
Rosemount 5201
Saxilby 5247
Scenery Park 5247, 5253
Schornville 5601
Seinheuwel 5201
Selborne 5201
Signal Hill 5201
Silverdale 5247
Sittingbourne 5610
Siyalu 5600
Southernwood 5201
Sterling Tipsite 5241
Stirling 5241
St Lukes 5605
Stoneydrift 5247
Summerpride 5247
Sundwana 5460
Sunnyridge 5201
Sunrise On Sea 5201
Sunset Bay 5201
Sweetwater 5600, 5601
Tamara 5614
Tecoma 5214
The Duncan Village 5209
Tshabo 5663
Vergenoeg 5209, 5460
Vincent 5217, 5247
Vincent Gardens 5247
Vincent Heights 5247
Vincent Heights East 5241
Vincent Heights West 5247
West Bank 5201, 5601
Willow Park 5201
Wilsonia 5247
Winchester Gardens 5247
Winterstrand 5201
Woodbrook 5201
Woodleigh 5241
Zwelitsha 5608


2 thoughts on “Buffalo postal codes in South Africa”

  1. Instead of listing cities with no zip codes , that’s useless to us .we need to get zip code fr our country Uganda. We are too behind ??and it pisses off my motherland fr nt having zip code

  2. future bwoyka

    if any chance of Uganda getting zip codes please inform us

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